Celebrate St. Bartholomew’s 130th Anniversary on Sunday, April 30th

St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church celebrates the 130th anniversary of its founding in 1887 by sponsoring an afternoon of music for the community.  The celebration begins at 4pm on Sunday, April 30, 2017.  Jerry Knight, church historian, will present brief remarks on the early days of this faith community followed by a choral concert featuring the Concordia Vocal Ensemble.  A post-concert reception in the courtyard follows.

The Concordia Vocal Ensemble sings mainly unaccompanied works, from renaissance madrigals to contemporary sacred and secular pieces.  This concert includes music from Anton Bruckner, C.V. Stanford and Bobby McFerrin.  Founded in 2005 with 6 singers, the now 16 member chamber chorus is directed by Dr. Matthew Caine.  Dr. Caine also serves as the Director of Music at First Presbyterian Church, St. Petersburg.

St. Bartholomew’s church is located in the Skyway Marina District at 3747 34th Street South, Saint Petersburg, FL 33711.  The church campus is also home to the St. Bart’s Thrift Store, the St. Bart’s Emergency Food Pantry, and the Precious Angels Preschool.

There is no charge for the event (free will donations gratefully accepted) and the entire community is invited. For further information, call the church office at 727-867-7015 or email stbarts1887@verizon.net.

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