A Bit About Acro Yoga & Our St. Pete Community…

Acro yoga combines acrobatics, yoga and healing arts. A flyer and base work together to build and combine poses or to use the assistance of gravity for stretching and massage. It elevates communication and trust between people through connection, movement and play. It requires total engagement and awareness thus strengthening the body while increasing flexibility and focus.
A group gets together weekly in St. Pete for jams, acro yoga speak for unstructured playtime on Thursdays and Sundays.
Newcomers and beginners are welcome to come watch and learn (details below). Structured classes and workshops are often held in the area and are posted in the group’s Facebook pages (links below).
Ready to fly? Join a local jam, workshop or class. www.facebook.com/AcroYogaTampaBay www.facebook.com/groups/stpeteacroyoga/
Thursdays – Green Bench Brewing 5 – 7 pm.
Sundays – Northshore Park (behind the tennis courts near restrooms) 3-5 pm.

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